Tuesday, November 22, 2016

WInter Weather Landslide Impacts OHV Trail Network

Arch Cape Mill Creek Side

On November 15, the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Tillamook District received notice of sediment in Cedar Creek where it meets the Wilson River. The source was determined to be located near a slope above Arch Cape Mill Creek, within the Tillamook State Forest.   

After review by the Department’s Engineering Geologist, it was determined to have been a deep-seated rapidly moving landslide likely triggered by the record 26 inches of rain this fall. As a result of the landslide, ODF is reviewing aerial data which indicates a history of ground movement in the area. This information will be helpful in future planning efforts.    

Impact:  The #93 Mongos Canyon motorcycle trail along Arch Cape Mill Creek is closed until further notice. Re-routing or re-opening the trail is pending future surveying and planning of the site. The slide was within the Tillamook State Forest where no structures are present. 

The debris settled and was mostly contained on the slope within the 250 foot-wide forested stream buffer. Due to continued movement of the debris during rain events throughout the winter and the remote location and size of the slide, no action will be taken at this time to address further sediment delivery to Cedar Creek and the Wilson River. 

· Landslides are a natural occurrence in the Coast Range, shaping the topography. 

· ODF estimates, during large storm events on slopes with similar steepness, about 13 slides per square mile occur on forests over 100 years old in the Coast Range.

· Updates on the Arch Cape Mill Creek motorcycle trail and slide information will posted to the Tillamook State Forest blog  http://tillamookstateforest.blogspot.com/


For more information contact:

Kate Skinner, District Forester, Tillamook

503.845.2545 or kate.j.skinner@oregon.gov


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Before You Go - Check Road & Trail Reports

Before you head out on your next adventure in the Tillamook State Forest, please check the road and trail reports.

Visit Oregon Department of Forestry's website at http://www.oregon.gov/ODF/pages/index.aspx
On the front page under the heading Recreation, you will find links to Non-Motorized Trails, Motorized Trails and Road Closures. Road and trail reports are located under their corresponding heading.

It's important to check these reports regularly to make sure that the road or trail you want to visit is open.

Posted this week on the Motorized Trail Report:
Mongo's Trail closed due to a slide.

For highway travel, please visit Trip Check   

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wilson River Trail Partial Closure

The Wilson River Trail is closed from Wolf Creek to Cedar Butte Road due to an aging bridge over Wolf Creek. Grant funds have been secured to replace both bridges over Wolf Creek. Please click on the Non-Motorized to tab to learn about other trail opportunities in the Tillamook State Forest.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Footprints

You wouldn't want that mess in your yard, would you?

Have you ever shown up to your favorite spot in the forest to find piles of garbage, old campfire pits and tiny bits of toilet paper snagged in the brush?  If it can ruin your visit, just think what it does to the environment you've come out to enjoy.

Even a little bit of garbage can hurt the ecosystem, injure or kill wildlife and increase the chances of natural areas being closed to public use.  One person can make a difference in everyone's forest experience. You can help by working with  the Oregon Department of Forestry to keep forests and streams clean by being good stewards of the land practicing Leave No Trace land use principles during your visit.

  • Pack it in. Pack it out. Please deposit trash in the nearest garbage can or dumpster. If the trash garbage can or dumpster is full or one is not available, please take your trash home. Trash left behind in a site, even if bagged, is attractive to animals who will tear open the bags and spread the garbage around the area.

  • Please use restrooms where provided. If no restroom is available bury your waste with soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. Do not deposit human waste within 100 feet of any campsite, trail or body of water.
  • Do not camp within 25 horizontal feet of the high water mark of any river, stream, creek, lake or pond. Enjoy the rivers and streams but remember that in low water seasons, you are playing on the rocks and riverbeds that the fish depend on for habitat. Let's keep the streams clean.

Thank-you for helping to make sure that Oregon's public forests are safe and beautiful places for everyone to enjoy!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Wilson River Trail Updates

The Wilson River Trail is now OPEN from Cedar Butte Road to Wolf Creek Road. This section of trail was heavily damaged during the December storms. With the hard work of a South Fork inmate crew, the trail is now passable and ready for summer visitors.

THANK YOU to the volunteers who joined us on Saturday, June 18, for a Trail Work Party. The volunteers brushed and maintained a large section of the Wilson River Trail between Jones Creek Day Use Area and Diamond Mill.

Would you like to volunteer in the Tillamook State Forest? Upcoming volunteer opportunities include Trail Work Parties and a SOLVE Riverside Cleanup.  Please mark your calendars and make plans to join us.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Special Summer Events at the Tillamook Forest Center

Looking for a respite from the summer heat or just a place to stretch your legs between Portland and the coast? 

Check out the Tillamook Forest Center located near milepost 22.5 on Highway 6  

The Tillamook Forest Center is celebrating its 10 year anniversary with a variety of special programs in addition to its regular schedule of interpretive talks.

It's a Jeep Thing...

Jeepin' on the Hoodraiser Trail
The hottest weekend of the spring saw 100 Jeeps from across the United States and from British Columbia make their way to Tillamook, Oregon for the 2016 Jeep Jamboree.  This was the second year Jeep Jamboree selected the Tillamook State Forest as one of its many excursion locations.  With a trail option for every skill level, this two day event showcased the world class 4-Wheel Drive trails in the Tillamook State Forest.

Jeep Jamboree organizers donated over 400 hours of volunteer time in the Tillamook State Forest OHV areas prior to this event.  Trail scouts worked long hours doing trail brushing, trail maintenance and garbage clean-up. 

The event also supported Tillamook County 4-H youth by recruiting them to cook breakfast and by participating in their donation carwash held each evening at the Tillamook County Fairground staging area.
This boulder on Firebreak Five made for a great photo op.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wilson River Trail Bridge Open

The Wilson River Trail bridge located between Jones Creek Campground and the Tillamook Forest Center is now open. The bridge had been closed for several months due to winter storm damage. Take a walk on the Wilson River Trail. It's a great way to spend a day in the Tillamook State Forest!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Elk Creek Campground Opens with Expanded Trailhead Parking

Trail enthusiasts pulling across the bridge from Elk Creek Campground into the trailhead parking area are sure to notice a few changes to the facility.  Over the winter, the Forest Grove Road Crew expanded parking for the popular jumping off spot that provides access to the Wilson River Trail, the Elk Creek Trail and the Elk Mountain Trail.
A short drive past the existing parking area will lead visitors to discover an additional 17 parking spaces.  The new lot is designed for head-in parking of single family vehicles.  A short trail provides a link between the old parking lot and the new parking lot creating easy access to all of the trail options available at the site.

As of May 27th, all of the Tillamook State Forest Campgrounds are open for the 2016 camping season.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

MId-May Wildland Fires Act as Early Fire Safety Reminder

Last week, fire crews from the Forest Grove District of the Tillamook State Forest responded to two local wildland fires on private lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry.  While neither was in the Tillamook State Forest, they are a good reminder that it's never too early to think about fire safety when you are gearing up to head out to the woods.

The Wanless White Fire started on May 13 in rural Yamhill County near McGuire Reservoir.  The fire burned 13 acres.

The Russell Creek Tree Fire started on May 14 near Cove Orchard as part of the spectacular lightning storm that passed through the area. Lightning made contact with a single large tree that had to be fallen so the fire could be extinguished.

For the most up to date fire reports from the Forest Grove District keep an eye on the FGD Fire Blog.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

May Events at the Tillamook Forest Center

The arrival of May means summer is just around the corner.  However, you don't have to wait for summer to get in on the fun now.  Drop in at the Tillamook Forest Center to enjoy the events and activities that will be going on throughout the month of May.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Fees aren't the only things changing in 2016. Oregon Department of Forestry has also updated its administrative rules. The new rules have been put in place to create a more enjoyable experience for all visitors to our campgrounds while protecting our natural resources. We look forward to seeing you in the forest!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

State Forest Camping Fees Raised

Fees for camping in State Forests have been raised for the first time since the adoption of the initial Oregon Department of Forestry Recreation Rules in 1995.  While an average 50% increase may sound drastic, in reality State Forest Campgrounds remain the most economical choice for those looking to stretch their camping dollars the furthest.

When the campgrounds in the Tillamook, Clatsop and Santiam Forests open for the 2016 camping season the new fees will be:

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Winter Weather Causes Trail Woes

The December rain and windstorms heavily impacted trails in the non-motorized network across the Tillamook State Forest.  High water undercut trees, washed away trail bridge supports and caused landslides.  Winds brought down trees that took hillsides with them.  The end result - several trails will be closed into the summer months.  Details below:

Gales Creek Trail - Bell Camp Trailhead to Storey Burn Trail Junction

  •  Closed  to Equestrian Use
  • Open to Mountain Bikers and Hikers
  • This closure to equestrian use is due to several slides that are not passable by horses. 
  • Repairs will take place in summer 2016.


Wilson River Trail - Jones Creek Equestrian Trailhead to Kings Mountain Trailhead

  •  Closed  to Equestrian Use
  • Open to Mountain Bikers and Hikers
  • This closure to equestrian use is due to several slides that are not passable by horses. 
  • Repairs will take place in summer 2016.

Wilson River Trail - Jones Creek Day Use Area to Tillamook Forest Center
High water in Jones Creek washed away the support
for this trail bridge's gabian basket.

  •  Closed  to all types of trail use.
  • This closure is due to significant undercutting of the trail bridge over Jones Creek.
  • Repairs will take place in summer 2016.

For more information about other trails in the Tillamook State Forest, visit the Oregon Department of Forestry Non-motorized Trails webpage.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Welcome to the Tillamook State Forest

View from Elk Mountain Trail.

Nestled in the lush Oregon Coast Range, the Tillamook State Forest is part of the richly colored tapestry of Oregon history and home to a wealth of opportunities to explore and enjoy nature.

This working forest is managed by the Oregon Department of Forestry within the agency mission, "To serve the people of Oregon by protecting, managing, and promoting stewardship of Oregon's forests to enhance environmental, economic​, and community sustainability."

The Tillamook State Forest provides a wide range of values with the goal of maintaining a healthy forest while providing a sustainable flow of environmental, economic, and social outputs and benefits.

Our district offices are located on either side of the forest in Tillamook and Forest Grove with an additional satellite office in Columbia City.