
Personal woodcutting permits:

Permit sales for personal woodcutting are available as listed below:

Woodcutting permit sales  for the Forest Grove District  will OPEN for the Season on October 7th.

Woodcutting permit sales for the Tillamook District units are OPEN.

Permit Fees

In order to purchase a permit, the following rules are established:
  • Fee $20 for up to 2 cords of wood
  • Permits are sold between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM.
  • Only one permit at a time will be issued per person or household
  • The license plate number of the vehicle transporting firewood is required
  • You can only purchase a permit for yourself
  • Checks are not accepted for permit purchase
  • A limit of 5 permits in the woodcutting season (usually October through June), will be issued per person or household
  • Permits are valid until two cords are gathered, but no longer than three weeks from the day of purchase
Things to keep in mind:

Woodcutting Guidelineand Restrictions

  • Woodcutters are advised to be familiar with the basin areas, there is no guarantee wood will be available at any location.
  • Woodcutting is allowed only within areas designated on permit map
  • Live trees, downed old growth and cedar logs CANNOT be cut into firewood
  • Woodcutters are required to follow environmental guidelines established on the permit
  • Permits are issued for personal use only, not for resale
  • Permits will not be extended due to acts of nature
  • Violators will not be allowed to obtain a personal woodcutting permit for a period of one year from the date of violation

Woodcutting Areas

For More Information:

Tillamook District:
  • Monday - Friday: 503-842-2545
  • After Hours Woodcutting Recording:  503-842-2548
Forest Grove District
  • Monday - Friday:  503-357-2191
  • After Hours Woodcutting Recording:  503-359-7401 ext 606