Whether you are looking to wield a tool during a work party, adopt a trail, or donate money, there are lots of ways to support State Forest recreation opportunities.
We've listed the current options below but be sure to check in periodically as we'll be working on more ways to get involved or give in the coming months.
State Forests Recreation Fund
The State Forests Recreation Fund was established in memory of Wayne Naillon. Wayne passed away in 2016. He was a long-time volunteer, trail advocate and friend of the Tillamook State Forest.
The State Forests Recreation Fund is managed by the State Forests Trust of Oregon (a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization) and supports the management of trails, facilities and other recreation opportunities in Oregon's State Forests.
Contributing is as easy as clicking the "Donate" button on the State Forests Recreation Fund page of the State Forests Trust of Oregon Website. Deductions are tax deductible.
Oregon BottleDrop Give
There are two ways you can use your Oregon refundable bottles and cans to help support recreation opportunities on Oregon's State Forests.
You can pick up a blue bag at the Forest Grove District office, fill it like you would your normal Bottle Drop green bag and then return it to your local Bottle Drop. The bar code on the bag will open the drop door; no account is needed to participate.
2. Give Online
Sign into your Bottle Drop account and click on "GIVE" at the top of the page. Type "State Forests Trust of Oregon" into the search engine for the fundraiser name and donate some of the funds in your bottle drop account. (All funds collected go to the State Forests Recreation Fund.)
Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Just sign into your Fred Meyer Rewards account and click on the "Community Rewards" link and look for the State Forests Trust of Oregon (All funds collected go to the State Forests Recreation Fund).
If you are the hands-on type who likes to get out and get actively involved in a project, check out our volunteer opportunities. The Oregon Department of Forestry hosts trail work parties, facilitates adoptions of trails and recreation sites and recruits for volunteer camp hosts.You can check out volunteer opportunities on the volunteer tab of this blog or by visiting the volunteer page on the Oregon Department of Forestry website.