Spring Spruce-Up Success!
Thank-you to all 80 of the fantastic volunteers who came together on Saturday, March 30, 2019, to do a spring trail maintenance work party on the non-motorized trail network that meanders through the eastern half of the Tillamook State Forest!
These enthusiastic volunteers completed pruning of trees and trail side vegetation, removal of down trees, cleaning of water drainage structures and general tread maintenance on 10 miles of the trail network in four hours of work time.
After the work was done, volunteers returned to Gales Creek Campground to enjoy a BBQ lunch hosted by Daybreak Racing and Oregon Equestrian Trails. There were even raffle prizes donated by some of the work party partners.
Plans are already in the works to make this Spring Spruce-Up an annual event to kick off the Oregon Department of Forestry work party season. (Check out the volunteer tab for the 2019 trail work party schedule.)
Many thanks the following organizations who partnered to host the work party efforts:
And thanks to Nathan Frechen, Jeremy Long and Juntu Oberg for sharing their photographs from the day's activities!